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In text messaging etiquette, asterisks are commonly used to denote a correction of some error in an earlier text. Asterisk corrections typically specify the corrected words, but do not explicitly mark the words that should be replaced, the reader is expected to understand which word is being corrected.
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correction symbols Correction Symbols in text from www2.vobs.at
F) Correction Symbols & Abbreviations ... Acc = Accuracy! Your quotation is inaccurate in some detail, perhaps by omitting an initial capital letter at the start ...
Correction Symbols. Below. you will find conunon symbols that your instructors may use to indicate errors in your writing. Also. keep in mind that your ...
Correction Symbols. Below, you will find common symbols that your instructors may use to indicate errors in your writing. Also, keep in mind that your ...
Jan 16, 2020 · An asterisk is this symbol * which is used to indicate a footnote. “brackets” or “parentheses” are what you put round some words; for example, ...
Switch marked letters or words. “Use proofreaders' symbols to revise quickly paper on." "Effective writing requires efficient "Effective writing requires ...
Jun 21, 2015 · Google Docs editing question: Is there an add-on or input command so that language arts teachers can insert editing symbols
CORRECTION SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN MARKING ESSAYS ... Correction: He is feeling bad today. ... Awk indicates that there is something wrong with your ...
Apr 1, 2016 · When proof reading and correcting a mathematical text, I sometimes see people use special notation symbols in the margin to indicate correction, ...